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*Live chat may become unavailable during business hours, due to circumstances beyond our control. In this case, please email helpdesk@fpsc-anz.com or if the matter is urgent, please send an SMS to +61407814730.

Guidelines for Fresh Produce Food Safety Review
In our endeavour to continually improve our resources, we are conducting a comprehensive review of the FPSC-ANZ Guidelines for Fresh Produce Food Safety. If you use the Guidelines, we would appreciate your insights by answering some questions. Please click the button below to go to the survey.

Food Safety Grower Guides
Available in six languages, these guides provide key information and best practice guidance on food safety for fresh produce growers, from pre-harvest to post-harvest activities.

Food Safety Guidelines
These guidelines are designed to achieve greater consistency in the development, implementation and auditing of fresh produce food safety programs.

2025 Innovation Agenda
The Agenda focuses on transformational risk management in fresh produce food safety by tapping into indigenous and global talent within fresh produce, the research community, and beyond to help find solutions.

Latest News
Keep up to date with our ‘Fresh & Safe’ eNews, where you’ll find resources about the Centre, latest projects, events, important information and alerts about fresh produce food safety, and much more! * If you sign up and don’t receive our content, please check your spam folder!
The Fresh Produce Safety Centre Australia & New Zealand (FPSC) brokers connections and collaborations with global leaders in fresh produce to build industry capacity and capability to deliver safer fresh produce to consumers.
Our supporters represent the fresh produce value chain: growers and packing houses, input services, storage and transport, wholesale, retailers and exporters. Our networks exist across government and regulatory bodies, food safety standards and auditing, research and education, equipment and packaging. Our expertise lies in bringing together innovative food safety best practice to create cultural change in food safety.
Our mission is to empower the Australian and New Zealand fresh produce industry with novel and innovative systems and processes that leads to safer fresh produce for consumers.
We use our local and global connections to bring capacity and knowledge that is trusted, proven and implementable to the Australian and New Zealand fresh produce industry.
The FPSC website covers all aspects of fresh produce safety by supplying valuable information and resources, providing research with practical application, and identifying knowledge gaps in fresh produce safety.
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