REGISTER NOW: GS1 Workshop – 25 November 2013, Sydney Markets
PMA A-NZ will be co-hosting this workshop with GS1 Australia, with the objective of furthering the adoption of GTIN and GS1 Databar in Australia. This is a must-attend event for retailers, suppliers and supply chain companies.
Event Details:
When: 09.00 – 12.30
Date: Monday 25 November 2013
Where: Sydney Markets Conference Centre, Level 1 Market Plaza Building, 250-318 Parramatta Road, Sydney Markets
Cost: Free
Click here to see the Program.
Significant changes to how fresh produce businesses manage product identification and traceability are just around the corner. This is your opportunity to see and hear what’s going to happen so you can plan ahead. The check-out at any retailer is a critically important step in the supply chain. Having a system that allows ready identification of any product (especially loose and pre-packed fresh produce) by a scanner is vital for:
• Correct pricing of product
• Shoppers not frustrated by check-out delays
• Data collection (information is ‘king’)
• Full traceability (in case of food safety and other issues)
From 2014, GS1 Databar will be an open, global standard. This means that suppliers will be able to use it on any product intended for Point-Of-Sale. To learn more about how you can now implement the GS1 DataBar (incorporating GTIN and PLU), you need to be involved in this workshop.