The Fresh Produce Safety Centre’s feedback survey from the Fresh Produce Safety Conference on 11 August 2014 indicated that the conference was relevant, useful and an excellent networking opportunity. Specifically, 94% of the 67 respondents either agreed or strongly agreed that the conference was relevant to their work, while 97% agreed or strongly agreed that the conference presentations were relevant or useful. Networking and information sharing was highlighted as one of the main benefits of the conference, with 90% indicating they had met useful contacts at the conference.

Participants suggested that e-mail, newsletters, conferences and the blog/website are the preferred methods of communication with the FPSC. While the almost all of the respondents suggested that the conference was useful, when prompted to nominate what was ‘least useful’ about the event, a small number noted the venue had limitations, with air-conditioning, audio, and venue capacity identified as the key areas for improvement.
