Dr Bob Whitaker & Dr Jim Gorny from the Produce Marketing Association have provided a summary of 10 key lessons from the 2014 US Center for Produce Safety (CPS) fifth annual reseach symposium on the CPS resources page.

The topics dicussed are:

  1. Sustainable Agricultural Water – Taking Care of a Vital Resource
  2. Agricultural Water: Monitoring, What Does It Tell You?
  3. Agricultural Water: Treatment is an Option!
  4. Agricultural Water: Application-to-Harvest Intervals, Is It Possible to Define?
  5. Agricultural Water: Understanding & Managing Risk is Possible!
  6. Agricultural Water: Splish / Splash
  7. Are Animals a Big Contributor to Produce Contamination?
  8. All Soil Amendments are Not Created Equal
  9. Postharvest Interventions are Possible
  10. Turning Research into Food Safety Practices

Click here to download the PDF from the CPS website (165 KB).