NZ Ministry for Primary Industries: The Food Act comes into force in March 2016. The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) consulted on the regulations early in 2015. This consultation is another chance for food businesses and providers to have their say about how the Food Act 2014 will work in practice.

The proposed notices apply to all businesses that need to operate under a food control plan or a national programme.

This consultation asks for feedback on practical areas of implementation, including:

  • templates for creating food control plans
  • requirements for ensuring food is safe and suitable
  • requirements for importers
  • details about who will evaluate and verify businesses under the Act.

It’s an opportunity for food businesses, and anyone who works with them, to provide feedback on proposals before they become law. Your feedback will help us assess whether we need to amend any of these proposals to better meet your needs.

Click here to read the full article from the Ministry for Primary Industries.