US: ‘Rat’-atouille sandwich shocks hungry Subway fan
USA Today: People who got spinach on their sandwich or salad at a Subway restaurant in Lincoln City earlier this month may have unknowingly eaten food tainted by a dead rodent.
But the state health department said it didn’t put anyone in danger of getting sick. “They [health inspectors] consulted with physicians and we followed their advice that, although it is not very appetizing, the risk of someone becoming sick due to eating lettuce with those particular circumstances were very low,” explained Cheryl Connell, Dir. Of Lincoln County Health and Human Services.
Matt Jones saw the dead animal in his friend Jay’s sandwich and snapped a photo. “It’s the funniest thing I’ve ever seen, but it’s also the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen,” Jones said, recalling his initial reaction. “I laughed because I was like, there is no way this just happened.”