Day: 29 October 2015
FJ: FSSA promotes food hygiene Timed to coincide with the European Union’s Month of Food Safety, [was] the official launch of the Fiji Food Safety Association (FSSA), a non-profit organisation that brings together a group of professionals to represent the interests and views of everyone involved in food hygiene, across all disciplines.
The FFSA consists of food manufacturers, retailers, caterers, Environmental and Health Officers, consultants, research organisations, training bodies and students. “Our focus is to integrate local know-how with international standards and best practices, to deliver safe and quality products and services that meet local and international requirements, †said FFSA President, Ms Deepa Lal.
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US: German court: compensate cucumber grower wrongly accused in E. coli outbreak
Food Safety News: A court in Hamburg, Germany, has decided that a Spanish vegetable grower and distributor should be compensated for losses sustained after its cucumbers were wrongly named as the likely source of a 2011 outbreak of the rare and deadly E. coli O104:H4.
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