Join us in celebrating Australian Food Safety Week 2021

Presented by the Food Safety Information Council (FSIC), Australian Food Safety Week is an annual week of reflection and celebration for food safety within Australia, the FSIC have declared this year’s theme ‘Food Safety – be prepared’ which is all about building resilience in the community especially after disasters by setting up a basic food safety toolbox and encouraging public engagement with food safety courses.
The Food Safety Information Council has released a community package (available here) of info which includes:
- Sample medial release to publicise your event
- Australian Food Safety Week 2021 social media poster
- Food Safety Toolbox Poster
- An online quiz and more!
For further information on Australian Food Safety Week 2021, events or to access the community package, please click here.
The Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology (AIFST) is also hosting a panel Q&A session today to celebrate Australian Food Safety Week. The virtual session is being held via zoom from 12:30pm – 1:30pm AEST and will present an interactive conversation between panelists to address the theme of being prepared. This will be followed by an opportunity for the audience to ask questions.
Registration to the panel Q&A can be made here.
We also invite you to check out the latest FPSC resources on our resources page here, to discover our food safety tools and guidance, in line with the Australian Food Safety Week theme of “Food Safety – be prepared.”