Posts from the "News: Microbial Contamination" category

US: FDA finds Cyclospora in Fresh Express salad sold at McDonald�s restaurants

Food Safety News: Federal officials have confirmed parasites in salad mix that Fresh Express sold to McDonald’s and other unnamed companies. Almost 300 people in 15 states, are confirmed infected. Another outbreak, which federal officials say is not related to the Fresh Express salad mix, involves pre-cut vegetable and dip trays sold by Del Monte Fresh Produce. As of the most recent update from CDC, 237 people across four states had been confirmed with Cyclospora infections in that outbreak.

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US: FDA says cattle feedlot could be to blame for E. coli in canal water used on romaine

Food Safety News: Outbreak investigators say a cattle feedlot near a canal providing water to growing regions in Arizona is a key element in their hypothesis about the source of E. coli that contaminated romaine lettuce earlier this year. Five people died and more than 200 others were confirmed with infections from a particularly virulent strain of E. coli O157:H7 that investigators found in the canal water in June. Dust from such feedlots is a known vector for the spread of E. coli bacteria and other pathogens to growing fields and surface water.

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