Download conference presentations using the following links. Files provided as-is, for reference only, in Portable Document Format (PDF).
- Michael Worthington / Objectives of the Centre (548 KB)
- Timothy York / What’s in your salad? One US perspective (3.01 MB)
- Bob Whitaker / Headline research outputs of CPS with relevance to Australasia (2.97 MB)
- Mike Butcher / The status of Food Safety Research in New Zealand Horticulture (1.09 MB)
- Martin Cole / The Current State of Research: Fresh Produce Safety (1.18 MB)
- Richard Bennett / Australian industry-funded Food Safety Research and Development – Now and the future (766 KB)
- Joseph Ekman / Industry access to research information (624 KB)
- Robyn McConchie / Remediation and recovery measures following chicken manure-based soil contamination by Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica (1.13 KB)
- P J Cullen / Plasma Chlorine Replacement (7.57 KB)
- Edward Palmer / Food Safety – A Retail Perspective (3.49 KB)
- David Bradfield / At the consumer coalface: Foodservice Food Safety Perspectives (1.01 MB)
- Dianne Fullelove / Best Management Practice Guides for Melons and Field Tomatoes (3.17 MB)
- Emma Walters & Richard Bennett / Food safety outreach priorities: Right message on the right medium at the right time (572 KB)
- Emma Walters & Richard Bennett / Priorities and plans for the first FPSC calls for research proposals (318 KB)