Tag: stakeholder

Report summarising the outcomes of 2012/13 of the FPS A&NZ

The FPS A&NZ have made available the final report summarising the outcomes from the project “A New Collaborative Paradigm for Fresh Produce Safety”. This project was funding by the University of Sydney and the Produce Marketing Association Australia and New Zealand (PMA A-NZ) with matched funding from the Australian Government, accessed through Horticulture Australia Limited.
You can download the report here and read about the outcomes of the many activities conducted in the year.

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Tag: stakeholder

Were you spotted at the Food Safety Hub at PMA Fresh Connections, 2013?

Fresh Produce Safety Australia and New Zealand (FPS A&NZ) were proud to join several key organisations to  host the first-ever Food Safety Hub, at PMA Fresh Connections Conference and Trade Show in Sydney last week. The Food Safety Hub was a one-stop-shop providing information for delegates wanting to know more about food safety for fresh produce. Were you spotted at the Food Safety Hub?
With thanks to PMA Fresh Connections for providing us with these images.
FPS A&NZ wishes to thank the following key organisations for their participation in the Food Safety Hub:

AUSQUAL Pty Ltd. – A certification body accredited by JAS-ANZ, providing quality management and food safety (HACCP) management systems.
Freshcare – Australia’s on farm assurance program offering training, implementation, certification and support programs.
GS1 Australia – Administers the global GS1 System of supply chain standards in Australia across 22 industry sectors, including the launch of the new GS1 GoScan iPhone App providing consumers with authorised and trusted food product information, and the new GS1DataBar to improve management of fresh foods.
BSI incorporating NCSI – Offering businesses certification, risk management, business improvement and assurance.
SAI Global – Providing information services and solutions for managing risk, achieving compliance and driving business improvement.
SGS Australia – A global company, provide industry leading inspection, verification, testing and certification services.
TQA Australia – Key management consultants to agribusiness in Australia, providing advice in a range of disciplines including food safety and quality assurance, environmental assurance, occupational health and safety, strategic planning and professional development.

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Tag: stakeholder

SURVEY RESULTS: Does the Industry need a Fresh Produce Safety Centre?

A primary objective for FPS A&NZ was to scope out the feasibility for a dedicated body to identify research needs and provide appropriate food safety solutions for the Australian fresh produce Industry.
FPS A&NZ has made strong progress towards this objective and it was decided to survey the industry to determine the level of support for the establishment of a Fresh Produce Safety Centre. The survey was sent to the entire list of individuals who have registered to receive regular newsletters from FPS A&NZ, representing a large range of sectors in the fresh produce industry.
The survey contained questions aimed at gauging  industry’s in-principle support for the establishment of a Fresh Produce Safety Centre; whether the University of Sydney was an appropriate ‘base’ for the Centre; what should be the overarching role of the Centre; and what were the priorities for food safety research.
From the responses, there was overwhelming support, in principle, for the establishment of a Fresh Produce Safety Centre (98%) and for it to be “housed” at the University of Sydney (95%).
The survey also revealed that the role of the proposed Centre was to call and manage research in food safety and importantly to provide industry wide education and information and news on fresh produce safety, while representing the industry on regulatory matters was the most unpopular role for the Centre.  Results like this provide information that will assist in ensuring that the roles of other organisations will not be duplicated.
Research priorites needed to address the gaps in knowledge in food safety covers a wide variety of areas, but the top three topics as chosen by the respondents were Microbial contamination on-farm followed by topics Pathogens in the postharvest supply chain and Water – Postharvest.
The survey unequivocally indicated that there is widespread support for the establishment of a Fresh Produce Safety Centre for the whole fresh fruit and vegetable industries that will identify and conduct industry-driven research projects and provide valuable information, education and outreach on all aspects of fresh produce safety.
Download the full survey report here.

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Tag: stakeholder

FRESHCARE WORKSHOP: Summary from the Freshcare team.

The recent Freshcare Workshop, held in Sydney, brought together experts from grower organizations, research institutions, retailers, wholesalers, auditors and trainers for two days of presentations, workshop sessions and networking opportunities.
Presentations from Horticulture Australia (HAL), University of Sydney and Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) provided the latest information about the new US food safety regulations, food safety research priorities and the direction of food standards here in Australia.
“The biennial Freshcare Workshop brings together our stakeholders and experts from many fields to provide a forum for both professional development and for the exchange of ideas and information; helping us improve the certification programs we provide to industry.” said Clare Hamilton Bate, National Program Manager, Freshcare.
Over the two days, the delegates also received highly valuable and detailed updates  on all aspects of the Freshcare Codes of Practice, including:
• Freshcare Food Safety and Quality
• Freshcare Environmental
• Freshcare Environmental – Viticulture
• Freshcare Environmental – Winery
“We covered a huge amount in the two-day workshop and feedback from delegates has been very positive.” Clare said. 
 Freshcare are making many exciting program developments, including discussion on the accreditation and international benchmarking (Global Food Safety Initiative – GFSI) of the Freshcare Food Safety and Quality Code and the development of online training resources.
Clare added, “Now the hard work begins, converting all the plans and ideas into practical tools, to benefit our most important stakeholder group – the growers, packers and wider industry for whom Freshcare is the key to compliance in both food safety and environmental assurance”.
Presentations and session overviews will be made available shortly.
For more information on any aspect of the Freshcare Program contact:
Freshcare Ltd
Web: freshcare.com.au
Email: info@freshcare.com.au
Tel: 1300 853 508

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Tag: stakeholder

Food Safety Hub at PMA Fresh Connections, 2013

Fresh Produce Safety Australia and New Zealand (FPS A&NZ) are proud to be hosting the first Food Safety Hub along with several key organisations, at PMA Fresh Connections Conference and Trade Show in Sydney this year. The Food Safety Hub will be one-stop-shop providing information for delegates wanting to know more about food safety for fresh produce.
“The Food Safety Hub aims to raise awareness of food safety and traceability among all stakeholders of the Australian and New Zealand fresh produce industry.” said Michael Worthington, CEO PMA A-NZ.
He went on to say ” This collaborative effort demonstrates a commitment to food safety and highlights how important food safety and traceability are for all businesses in the fresh produce supply chain”.
FPS A&NZ are excited to announce that along with FPS A&NZ representatives, several key organisations will be contributing to the success of the Food Safety Hub including:

AUSQUAL Pty Ltd. – A certification body accredited by JAS-ANZ, providing quality management and food safety (HACCP) management systems.
Freshcare – Australia’s on farm assurance program offering training, implementation, certification and support programs.
GS1 Australia – Administers the global GS1 System of supply chain standards in Australia across 22 industry sectors, including the launch of the new GS1 GoScan iPhone App providing consumers with authorised and trusted food product information, and the new GS1DataBar to improve management of fresh foods.
NCS International – Offering businesses certification, risk management, business improvement and assurance.
SAI Global – Providing information services and solutions for managing risk, achieving compliance and driving business improvement.
SGS Australia – A global company, provide industry leading inspection, verification, testing and certification services.
TQA Australia – Key management consultants to agribusiness in Australia, providing advice in a range of disciplines including food safety and quality assurance, environmental assurance, occupational health and safety, strategic planning and professional development.

FPS A&NZ will provide you with:

access to research in fresh produce safety,
allow you to identify food safety research priorities and
updates on the aims of the initiative of a collaborative paradigm to fresh produce safety.

“Fresh produce safety and traceability applies to all aspects of the supply chain in the fruit and vegetable industry, including growers, packers, processors, wholesalers, fresh produce retailers and distributors, ” said Robyn McConchie, University of Sydney, “all of which have a responsibility to supply consumers with food that is healthy and safe.”

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